Tuesday, April 29, 2003

The Wooden Racket- by: unknown forgotten

I looked under the carpet
Only to find disaster
And unfortunate trauma

She said from the left
"What is it?"
I replied with silence
And a blank stare of disbelief

It would take 40 more
And no more cleansing abuse
Until everything was dry again

Monday, April 28, 2003

Melt Money- by: unknown forgotten

Time is such a waste
Under the red light throbbing in the sky
Melt! Singe the hairs off the filthy wealth
That infest these flowing urban areas
Pull the count to 40 more
And bask under the red sky
Rolling Thunder- by: unknown forgotten

This specific rock
Can describe my life well
Such as it rolls through hollywood
Busting up bails of hay
And the painting on its side
Graffiti from a hoodlum
Is of the planets and stars

It never stops rolling
It has crossed the country
And rolled under the sea
It rolled over the top of mountains
It only picks up speed

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Ocean Specters- by: unknown forgotten

Long before the shore people
Inhabited the coastal region
It was full of ghosts

They dwelled amongst the seaweed
And hid under rocks
Until the shore people came
And hunted them all
Venom- by: unknown forgotten

If this bottle in my hand
Was something stronger
I would be a happy man

Saturday, April 19, 2003

You can not see what I see because you see what you see. You can not know what I know because you know what you know. What I see and what I know can not be added to what you see and what you know because they are not of the same kind. Neither can it replace what you see and what you know, because that would be to replace yourself. Anything you see or hear or experience in any way at all is specific to you. You create a universe by perceiving it, so everything in the universe you perceive is specific to you.

-Douglas Adams

Friday, April 18, 2003

I Say Up the Latest- by: unknown forgotten

I stay up the latest
I breathe the least
I run the fastest
I give up the easiest
I destroy the quickest
I sink the heaviest
I live the slowest
I die the most

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

::this one is old, but I like it alot::

The Living Machine Named Grindtooth- by: unknown forgotten

Grindtooth was the first man I met
When I first came to this lucid place

His head shook violently with no end
As the gears in his head would turn, grind and shred

His teeth were made of rusted metal, jagged stone and broken glass
And anything drawn near them were utterly destroyed in a flash

His eyes were black and his hair dripped crude oil
His face was ghastly gruesome and his heart was made of lead

He often drank gasoline through a hole bored in his head
Apparently it kept his internal outboard motor revved

When he speaks it's only the sound of loud shrieks and metal being ground
Exhaust pours from his nostrils, as his eyes shine beams of light abroad

I've heard his skeleton is made of rod iron and piston arms
There's slice of tire where his backbone is protruding through his skin

He has aluminum siding down his mechanical leg
And his stomach is a six pack of old tin cans

Some children tried to feed him a mailbox one day
He engulfed it so quickly he also scrapped the boy's arm

What a sight it was when the police attempted to bring him in
He ate all their guns, and the bullets became part of him

I can still see him in the corner, ingesting a computer through his mouth
And the sound of crunching metal as his teeth spun and sucked it in

Since the time I met him in the junkyard, 2 weeks ago
He completely annihilated eight cars, nothing was left, not even the keys

I don't know where he came from
Or who made him at that

But I do know Grindtooth is aptly named
Because that is who he is, what he does, and that is that.
Hook, Filth, Sinking- by: unknown forgotten

Hooks in my skin pull me down
The lines lead to tiny holes in the ground

Everyday they put a new one in
Who are they? Everyone, me, my friends, enemies, you

Streets of rubble haunt my past
Chiming bells for the sake of the noise

This is where he did them all in
The spot where we are was one

In physical or psychological it matters not
Because either way it will never stop

Each one fallen like me, like you
Hats off to those who don't shudder

Luck be with those that escaped
For in the end they will bear the reap

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Recalcitrant bearers and rebellious reapers
------(Two of the same kind)------
Your Grim 'brother' will set you straight

For you were not there when work was needed
And have forget what crop was originally seeded

Thus his scythe will never miss
As he cuts down the harvest he came to collect

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Depart- by: unknown forgotten

There she was
With her big hair and pretty eyes
On the bench on the corner
Beneath the bus stop
There she was the whole time
There she was when we drove by
Waiting for the bus to leave town
When we were out looking around
Her suitcase was by her side
And all her life combined
There she was loading the bus that night
When we were still out searching
There she was passing us by in the other direction
Looking down from her tinted window
There she was leaving the state
When we had by then become distraught
There was her note under the fridge
It must have fell and slid from view
As we were leaving in a hurry
There she was on the bus far away from home
With no hope, reason or destination
There she was
She was gone
My Epitaph- by: unknown forgotten.

Are you happy.
Are you really so happy.
Are you willing to live that way.
Are you dying everyday.
Are you even happy at all.
As the rain fell in the midst of the day. I sat beneath it, it covered me entirely, and I became wet. As the clouds parted later that day, and the sun exposed itself. I sat beneath it, it covered me entirely, and I became dry. As the sun set that night, and the sky became dark, I sat beneath it, it hovered above me, and I became cold.
I looked towards the moon tonight
But saw only half
And I knew you were up there
Waiting on the dark half

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Marlboro Man- by: unknown forgotten

His mind dwindled like a burning cigarette
His life was breathed in, exhaled
Destroyed so fast
His whole emodiment wisped away like smoke
And he burned
His heart turned to a pile of ash

It was a long time ago
And now he's like the filter
Just thrown to the ground
Left on the sidewalk
And stepped on by people walking by

Toaster Ghost- by: unknown forgotten

There's a big fat ghost
That lives in our toaster
He burns everything we put in
He says his name is Stewart
And he looks like a blob
Like a red hot scorching marshmellow
He won't leave
He won't keave us alone
It always smells like burnt toast
In the middle of the night
He'll burn and create smoke
And set of our smoke detectors

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Your 'Sly' Spying, Father- by: unknown forgotten

My feet are melting
And I'm sinking into the carpet
This is
This is the end of all this
No more secrets to hide
Dig through my life
Find out everything I never wanted you to know
You'll be pleasently surprised
That you'll only find what I've already told you
I'm melted down to my knees now
The carpet is soaking me up
This is the end of all this

This is not the real world

Monday, April 07, 2003

No One... - by: unknown forgotten

Ha! Watch it burn!
As it goes up in flames!
Feel the pain
Feel that fucking pain!

Do you recognize it?
It's what you are made of
It's what you give out every day!
And now you burn

So how does it feel?
As it burns your own skin?!
I'm watching and laughing
Because I know it hurts so bad

Feel it burn!
It's burning off your face
I'll laugh everytime you walk by
At your disgraceful disfigured face

Feel it burn!
Feel it fucking burn!
It's only what you deserve

Sunday, April 06, 2003

Ritual Life- by: unknown forgotten

They all at once
Stuck knifes in my back
To resucitate my vitals signs
They dug through flesh and bone
And stole my black heart

They danced and praised
At the glory of thier finding
Around the fire
In the middle of the night
They chanted in rythmic unison
And they brought me black to life

They held my dead black heart to the sky
They cut it into six different parts
To six different animals it was fed
To the bear, the wolf, the lion
To the serpent, the eagle, and the raven

As I watched laying on the dirt
Blood not pumping
Just pouring from my huge open wounds
I felt life coming back to me
Rushing to my soul

They filled the whole in my flesh
Where my heart had been
With dirt, ointment, potions and herbs
They sewed it closed with a strands of hair
From the oldest, wisest people in the town

I left the village in complete loss of thought
Of what had happened
Why was I still alive
And how could I feel a heart pulsing
Beating hard, and giving me new life

I never told anyone
What happened that day
But every night when I sleep
My mind recalls the whole thing
I only have those nameless faces
And a fading memory to thank

Saturday, April 05, 2003

I Should Go Away- by: unknown forgotten

I find
At times like these
That I am not really bored
In the sense that I have nothing to do
But I am bored with life
And am tired of friends
And no one loves me anymore
And life is too repetive for me

I want to get in my car and drive for hours
All across the world
I want to bask in the sun
In a sleepy haze
I want to ride mopeds
For the rest of my life
But mostly I just want to go away
And never see another soul
I want to venture into insanity
And die alone

Friday, April 04, 2003

Us, Them, and I- by: unknown forgotten

We can wipe you out
We can destroy your life
We can smite out all your friends
We will make you cry

We can burn all your belongings
We can destroy everything you are
We can take you far away
We will leave you there all alone

We can take all your thoughts
We can overthrow your fight
We can absorb all that you are
We will hurt you
We will not let you die

We can wipe you out
We can do anything we want
We can make you disappear
We will make you cry
Run- by: unknown forgotten

I stole the vision of another
I snatched her dream away
I ran until my legs failed me
And I fell on my face
I crawled much further
Until I thought I was finally safe
And held onto her thoughts
With all my embrace

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Like Crystal Complex Minds Shatter- by: unknown forgotten

My mind is broken and faulty
It does not process
All the time it hurts
And I can think of nothing

It leaves me all alone
In an absent space and void

As it day by day
Disintegrates and breaks

And it is always slowly winding down
And soon enough it will just stop
All I can do is wait for it
Then maybe I'll finally be free
untitled - by: A.H.

Helplessy hoping
Her harlequin hovers nearby,
Awaiting a word.
Gasping at glimpses of gentle true spirit
He runs, wishing he could fly.
Only to trip at the sound of goodbye.
Wordlessly watching he waits by the window,
And wonders at the empty place inside.
Heartlessly helping himself to her bad dreams,
He worries,
Did he hear a goodbye?
Or even hello?
They are one person,
They are two alone,
They are three together,
They are for each other.
Stand by the stairway,
You'll see something certain
To tell you confusion has its cost
Love isn't lying its loose in a lady who lingers,
Saying she is lost,
And choking on hello.
They are one person,
They are two alone,
They are three together,
They are for each other.

Of Daylight Turning- by: A.H.

Breathing in the morning mist
Only during the night
Breathing in- I'm breathing in you
Left with sincere silence
You came and leave
My daylight turning

Follow your infinite trail
Meet me at the end
Where daylight slips behind the moon
And I'll be waiting
Surrounded by softly swooning silence
To keep you

Stars become more beasutiful to me
Intruiging during dusk
Quickly disappearing
Faintly their shine falls into your eyes
Where I am drown
Only to disappear when daylight turns

I can't help but wonder
Where my stars end up
When darkness fades
And I can't help but worry
Where I will end up
When daylight slips by behind the moon
And I'm surrounded by the familiar sincere silence
And alone with my daylight turning

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

O' Cap'n, Me Faithful Cap'n!- by: unknown forgotten

Arrgh! And the devil sways me down!
A patch on me eye
A sword in me hand
I drag my pegged leg all across town
When I aren't sailing the high sea's that be
Raiding the imperialists and takin booty
I got me a whore and a pint o' liquor
I got me the respect of a dangerous man
For thats what I am
On my ship I be the second mate
And the Devils me Cap'n!
He guides us straight through the strom n' lightnin'
And though he's taken me eye and me leg
I owe him all my life, ship and crew
For he never let no shitfire fall on me an' me ship
And kept us safe in all them dark nights o' sailin
Arrgh! Set sails and head south! Deep south!
Satan me Cap'n, we're coming home to you!