Friday, April 09, 2004

There was a man I once knew well
And another girl
I don't think she knows,
Despite their knowledge
They have once again helped me become a little more alive
Even though they are far
In the backyard fields- by: unknown forgotten

Down another for the weak
I ain't telling
The wind'er shows that there moon shining real bright
I says, I says: "Look'er there. That is beeeutiful."
We was watching our programs after hours
We done worked a hard day
And we deserved our reward
I says: "I done had enough er these shows,
let's get outside and watch the stars."
And we did.
An Ode to The Salted Gods- by: unknown forgotten

Salt in my belly and heart
Clogging my mind and arteries
Making me complete
The Salted Gods are my haven
They keep me safe when my food is flavorless and bland
The Salted Gods have saved me at my lowest point
Guiding me to the sunlight's reflection off the mineral of white
In my weakest hour I have almost succumb to the Devils of Pepper
But I have prevailed to the flavor that will forever entice

The Salted Gods look over me
And protect me from all that is false
For without, I would have a mineral deficiency
And most likely have died that night
Thank you Salted Gods
In you golden brazen 'shaker' altar forms
Always where I need you when I can't taste my food at all
Those eggs and hashbrowns would have been my demise.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

It's crazy when people freak out
Look, somebody finally had something to say: A comment.
And another.

That rules.
Stagnant- by: unknown forgotten

Nothing suprises me anymore.
I have seen it all coming
and so everything is
Suprise me lifeless people
I can not suprise myself
Wake up and watch the moon turn
Wake up and let's go outside
Do something I can't predict
The Old Man in the Picture- by: unknown forgotten

I guess I'm doing fine
you know...
but not really and all
but well enough to keep moving

My excitement is shot down
And I watched a spider eat a fly
My oh my
I marvel at the wonder of a found note on the ground
I guess I'm doing alright

Like the old man in the picture
He describes my soul
I've got lots of time to live my life
But I'm feeling old
My bones feel cold
But for now I guess I'm doing alright

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

I try and listen to music that reminds me of love... so I never forget.
I've never been able to figure out what the world wants from me.
Let alone the people that live on it.
Estranged- by: unknown forgotten

I've ridden these roads.
I've walked these paths.
I've climbed these hills.
And I've fallen off cliffs.
I've run the hardest mile.
I've worked harder than anyone will ever believe.
Still no one believes and no one understands.
Keep doubting my motives,
Truly, not a single soul on earth could be more wrong
And that's what makes me so afraid.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Phoenix- by: unknown forgotten

The bird cage was on the floor
Broken and mangled
It's metal wires twisted and bent
The latch door hung open facing the window
The window was shattered
Glass was strewn across the floor
The wind and fresh air blew gently through
The tree outside the window was full of life and song
Full of birds living freely in the outside and open air
The broken cage lay alone inside
It represented everything about being sad
I picked up the broken glass and it cut my bare hands
I climbed the tree and the birds took to flight
I jumped from the branch and where I landed represents my life this day
I stared into the sun and watched the birds disappear
Like a phoenix one of them swooped back
And just for a moment looked me in the eyes
I'd vomit before I told you what I was thinking.
Why? Because. No reason.
