Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Lies From the Wrong Side- by: the damned

I'll just wait
Adn one day you'll walk up
Well pretend not to see
And refuse to beleive
That all this time
That the monster in the alley
Or the blood on the ground
was just a play
Performed around our world
And our inabilities were planned out
3 billion years before we were born
And every time we blink our eyes
Is under someone else's control

I control the kid down the corner
And a lady in another state
I tell a dog where to sleep
And a fat man when to eat
This secret I tell
Is one to keep
If you look hard enough
You can find someones controls
I fought for my own back
But that is rare to find
And when/ if you find someone else's
Maybe you only found it for your master
Maybe you found it for me
And the army I'm planning to build

Ay, the time has come
I'm nineteen
It has been but a few days,
And a lifetime has flashed before my eyes
Very soon worlds will collide
And bring with it pure and utter devastation
The total destruction of all existence
The earth's surface will be obliterated
Volcanic molten rock and lava
Will erupt and spew from the core
Ash in the sky will encompass the earth
Creating a greenhouse effect,
with the heating planet beneath
the constant growth of energy
and movement on the molecular level
Will cause what's left to explode
Sending particles out into the infinfity
Unless fate and/or it's trajectory
Lead upon some other inhabited planet
And destroy their entire existence
That's the day I die