Sing Your Song Black Cat- by: unknown forgotten
Don't cry black cat
Howlin to the moon about midnight
Atop the fence you sing slick cat
Your tears fall onto the trash cans
Trash cans made cymbals for your late night opera
Cheer up black cat
Dodge those shoes thrown at you
Cry on to the skies
At just about midnight
Prowl the alleys
Under the shimmering full moon
Atop your fence post
Sing the lonesome song
The song of life you've come to learn
Hey there black cat
Alley cat, slick cat
Your torment dwells deep within the heart
Sing your soulful song
There's nothing to hold you back
Hear those bad dogs howlin across town
Don't be afraid black cat
Give it your all and sing along
Cry on black cat
Get it all out
Sing to the skies about your life
Your life of hardships and trials
You've earned the right
Those scars on your face
Your tail cut short from a fight
The mange you've aquired from your hard life
Sing on! Sing on black cat
Your midnight opera is what we want to hear
To remind us that there is a life much harder
The life you've been forced to live
Dig through the trash cans
You've got to eat somehow
No owner to feed and pet you
No one to cuddle with as they sleep
Just live as much as you can black cat
You never had the luxurious life
No milk from a saucer
Just dirty puddles on the ground
Sing from your fence top
So late in the night
Sing on black cat
Alley cat, slick cat
Cry out to the moon just about midnight