Thursday, March 07, 2019

Can We Be-

I am me and can never be anything but
You are you and I'd never want to change that

Give and take
Gift and receive
Take and give
Receive and gift
As we please

I am not asking for much
Just a little
Simply to share myself
And be reciprocated by an other

The love I need is a two way street
As we pass by, may we embrace
Crash into each other, albeit delicate
Combine our states into one shared space

After we can unravel
There is no need to be bound by knots
Feel free, stay and marvel, or go travel
Be real, be open, share your thoughts

I am but a man bound by gravity
I ask no more, no less, than reality
I can not, will not, fly away
I ask no more of you than I ask of myself everyday

I don't want a traditional love
Feel free to stay or choose not
Perhaps some other day
Or consider in this moment
It is what it is
And what it is is just right

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Night Sight-

In turns the night
And with it all shadows amalgamate
Darkness enshrouds your world

The sun has settled beyond the horizon
Left you exposed to the rushing cold
Blind without a light in sight

You can clamber and crawl
There is no right way out
Of the dark abscess you're in

Day will arrive, that is certain
But in the morning you won't remember where you've been
Either way the night will return and bring darkness again

To navigate alone and blindly
Has never been a part of your story
Until now. Until then.

Burn After Reading-

To get rid of everything
I must submit to loss
No, I never wanted these things anyway
They were never mine
Without them I'll be fine

How can one release everything
Distribute it into the universe
Shred all the documents
Burn all the letters
Will I regret destroying the evidence of our existence

Yet to be free...
The enticing pull
To have no more leash
To walk out on my lease
To finally be at peace

Is it the stuff
The material possessions that matter
Is it the love
That has burned out in disaster
Which one pulls harder

The opposing feelings of hanging on
The lingering ache that things aren't over
Nothing lasts forever
There is a choice I need to make
It's unfortunate my future is at stake

Sit Up Straight-

Eyes watering but open
I see through the blur
It is a distant memory fading away
But something's coming into view
I'm certain

Brushing the tears away
My sleeve is soaked
I can see a future
I don't know what it brings
I can only hope

Upside down
My eyes have yet to invert
From the new reality
I have been dealt

But I can no longer
Walk around bent backward over
Pretending to see correctly
It's been terrible for my posture

I wish you well
I bid you adieu
Go fuck yourself
I am done with you

Treading lightly
I float along the path
I trip and stumble
I am not so able

Fall up the hills
Sink deeply into the mud
Where am I going
What do I do with all this love

A Terrible Plan to Suppress-

My heart sings for you
But I silence it's voice
To be vulnerable would be intolerable
I won't allow that choice

To show myself alive
Free to be true
That would not do
I can not love you

My heart wants to express itself
Speak to you with no regrets
Open up and spillover

It sounds ideal
To be in love with you
There is so much appeal

Yet the potential heartache
Writhes inside my mind
A pain so strong it makes me shake

I can not let my heart break yours
I'm sorry I can't be your lover
I can't let my heart hurt another

The hardened heart is only susceptible to destruction
The quieted heart is easily shuttered
The broken heart is not easily mended
The silenced heart tries to speak louder than ever

My heart pines for yours
How do I keep it numbed
It screams and cries:
"Let me love once again!"

I'm sorry I can't
I will live with my fears
I will cage up my desires

I would rather suffer
Than succumb to heartbreak
I'll never again be hurt or hurt another