Thursday, June 12, 2003

I Was An Evil Child, I Done Good- by: unknown forgotten

I heard of a little old lady who lived down the street
I threw a firecrakcer through her window
It scared her half to death
The next day I came back to finish the job undone
I tossed another through her window
And scared her all the way to death

The police officer came to my door
Talked to my parents for hours
Someone saw a boy throwing firecrackers
Their description was the same as mine

They took me to the station
Put me in a big ol' wooden chair
Clamped down the metal straps
And pulled the switch down

Electrocuted me for 3 minutes
Zapped my body until it was half dead
When they realized I was still alive
They snapped my neck instead

Those prison gaurds never said a word
Told the coroner it was the convulsions that did me in
When those gaurds got grey and old
The self conviction was so strong
They hung themsleves for being such prudes
Death's Helpful Hand- by: unknown forgotten

Death's head dove down upon me
Drinking my soul away
Down to the depths of hell it descended
And dipped me into the dire
Fire and fury flew all around me
Fellow beings flailing about in pain
Fearing the pain will never end
And failing to realize it never will
Screams were heard all about
Sickly souls suffering beyond comprehend
Salvation was their shorthand
And forever we will pay