Friday, February 07, 2020

The Order of Rule of Commonly Occurring Friendships-


The meaning of friendship
Is to form a bond
One so tight it is secure
That nothing can come along
That would be out of bounds

To share freely without judgement
To contrive and strive with conviction
To hold each other up and press forward
To love and laugh and know
It will always be A-OK


Except when something happens
Non-specific, that doesn't even matter
Just a trivial nonchalant issue
Or an accidental remark
Sometimes simply nothing at all
And friendships fall apart

No one gives a fuck
It's a two way street
Be seen, be heard
Be silent, be quiet
Ask too much and it's over
Ask not at all and become an apparition

Cry for help and be cast away
As too needy, too emotional, too much pain
Try to love and be shunned
Too much mental labor to be reciprocal
Be there if there's something in it to win
But only be there when it's easiest to cut and run


Forget me not
But forget me often
Think good thoughts, but not!
If life might be downtrodden
Or, turned downright rotten

Bury the loss of alive-yet-dead friends
Shutter it up deep inside
Remember them fondly
And never speak of them again
We're all ghosts in this hateful game
Hypocritical friends

No Choice-

Born into flesh
Against our will we are put here
Laid upon the earth with a consciousness
And left to fend for ourselves

Some get up
Others wither away
What's the point
We'll all die some day

Family is had, not given
Friends are made, then stray
Lovers hold tight, and let go
And the hurt is unrepentant

Chasing the impermeable
Longing for the unobtainable
Digging for lost treasure
Crying for help in an empty room

All alone we suffer
Surrounded by millions of others
Unable to grasp onto a single one
If only just maybe,
To hold a hand for just a moment
Yet slip right through their fingers

Time crushes on
Waging a war that can not be won
There is nothing but an endless pathetic attempt
At making sense of it all

I didn't ask for this
I was given no choice
Never able to make a connection
No one will be mad at me
When I take my exit

Monday, June 03, 2019


Hurtling through space
Alone and forgotten
I yearned for so much
My heart was broken

Struggling to make contact
I aimed for the Earth
Piercing the atmosphere
I became something new

Moving faster than I should
Burning up and searing through
A flaming trail of pain followed
Shedding layers of sorrow

I burned up and crashed down
Destroying everything around
A hot mess sizzling and burning
But ultimately beginning to cool

A hardened rock, blackened and ugly
Radioactive and deadly
My remains not safe to touch for years
But some future day will be treasure worthy

I burned out quick
And crashed down hard
Long story short
I'm coming around
From a meteroid to a meteorite

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Won Rat-

I saw rat
So I grabbed the rifle and waited
I stared into the yard for hours
Biding my time to take the shot

He never came back
Yet still I idly stood by
Drinking liquor in contemplative thought
Longing for my gun to make a crack

The sun went down
And I did too
The rat survived another day
And I lost one to him

Friday, May 03, 2019

Am I awake
Am I asleep

Am I twisted
Am I deep