The Seven Bowels of Seven Dragons Becoming to Man-
Deep down inside all men there lies seven dragons
They feed on themselves from the inside out
And out of their bowels flow torment and death
As is in the end of days we shall all pay for harboring the scaled beasts
The first dragon went out and poured his bowels upon the land
Ugly and painful sores broke out on the people
On all those who worshiped themselves
The second dragon poured out his bowels upon the sea
It turned into blood like that of a dead man
And everything in the sea died
The third dragon poured out his bowels on the rivers and springs of water
They too became blood
He then bellowed loudly, smoke seeping from his nostrils:
" We are just in these judgments
You who are, and who were, bearers of we evils laying inside you all,
because you have so judged when you do not have the right;
We have shed the blood of your saints and prophets
And we have devoured them, and drank their blood
As all humans have brought forth, for all are sinners and deserving of death."
The masses emerged from their homes, eyes blood red, and cried:
"Untrue and unjust have been our judgments!"
The fourth dragon poured out his bowels on the sun
And the sun was given power to scorch the people with fire
They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God
Even when they had brought these plagues upon themselves
But they refused to realize it
The fifth angel poured out his bowels on the heart of every man
And each man's kingdom was plunged into darkness and devastation
Men gnawed their tongues in agony
And cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and woes
but they refused to recognize how they had destroyed their lives
The sixth angel poured out his bowels on the great river Euphrates
And it's water was dried up to prepare a way for more dragons to progress
Then there was three evil spirits that looked like frogs
They came out of the mouth of the dragon
Out of the mouth of beasts
And out of the mouth of man
They transformed into false prophets performing miraculous signs
And they spread across the whole world
To gather men for the battle on the great day of destruction
The seventh dragon poured out his bowels into the air
And out of the dragon's caves came a loud voice saying:
"It is done!"
Then there came flashes of lightning,
rumblings, peals of thunder, and a severe earthquake
No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth
So tremendous was the quake the earth split in three
And the cities and nations collapsed
The dragons remembered the faces of the very worst of men
Swooped down and engulfed them in flames through their flaring mouths
Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found
From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon man
And they cursed each other
Because the plague was so terrible
(Inspired by Revalations Ch. 16)