The Return- by: unknown forgotten
It was a damp gray day when he returned
The people were silent and waiting in fear
Not sure what was actually coming
He walked back into town alone
The dust rose earily under each step
The world was silent, the animals were scared
His hair swayed softly though you could feel no breeze
It had been years since he came around...
The children had heard rumors
About why he left so long ago
But nobody really knew the truth anymore
Most didn't want to remember
Some of the people wanted to run and greet him lovingly
Others were clench jawed and clench fisted
Their hands waiting by their 6 shooter
But no one moved, no one made a sound
He walked through town
His eyes were clear, but unreadable
He peered into those he recognized
He looked into those who'd only heard about him
He looked different. Maybe taller? Could he be a changed man?
What was going through his mind at that moment must have been amazing
Did he remember what had happened?
If he couldn't maybe no one could
It's strange the way people forget so easily
Was he expecting the people to react?
Was he just passing through?
Was he coming back for a reason?
Was he back to stay for good?
Then he stopped in the middle of the town
Everyone was out and silent
He slowly turned around and took a slow look
Just then a hawk circled slowly over head
No one knew what was going to happen next...