Tuesday, March 12, 2019

when the flames rippled over me
It was your face in my mind

We were just standing there
With nothing to say
I walked away

When the flames charred my outsides
I still remembered your delicate touch

We were so close to being one
I would look in your eyes
But then things changed

When the flames brought me to my knees
I could still smell your hair

We never have should gone this far
From the beginning unto the end
Before the fire consumed all

The waves washed over our feet
We didn't speak a word
As we stared out into the sea
I wanted to swim out to the deep
And sink to the bottom...
But you looked me in the eyes
And gently took my hand
And smiled
My pain was forgotten
To Tell You-

In my ideal world
I can free verse and speak out loud
In my reality I am tongue tied

Trapped brain
Anxiety cranking up
I wanted to tell you...
But I can not spit it out

I wanted to tell you...
No, not how's the weather
It was soulful and from the heart
It was something so very important

Hold my hand
Look into my eyes
I wanted to tell you of my desires

But I won't say that

Instead I will chit chat
Mumble off some small talk
Nothing that requires real thought

There is something glorious in me
It just needs to be set free
I can burn passionately and brightly

I can be what you need
Give me a chance I will succeed
But this is something you'll never read
And I am too scared to speak and be revealed

Tell me again
What I'm supposed to say
That'll make you stay
And love me everyday
Worn Down-

Falling through the city
Blind and out of control
Leaving parts of myself behind
Smeared across the asphalt

Blurry eyed and sorrowful
A remnant of myself
Slowly dissappearing
Vanishing bit by bit

Shattered shards of love
Scattered and strewn about
No use in picking up the pieces
It's all just detritus

Throwing myself to the ground
I knew it was coming soon
Headstrong into forced deconstruction
I get what I feel I was deserving

This isn't what I want
This is what I get
Sabotaging myself with regret
Self implemented slow death

Suffering body matches emotions
I am broken inside and out
Blood on the ground
No will left in my heart
I am disintegrating
Falling apart