Like a serpent dragon
He writhed upon the floor with no legs
Fire poured from his mouth
Fire poured from his freshly dismembered limbs
His roar bellowed profanities
He cursed god and all that is holy
He damned our souls the hell
He suffered intense pain
So that we may live
Fire dripped from his eyes
A serpent dragon slain
Six hundred years later he will resurrect
And reap all our souls
He will devour our holy bodies
And take our defiled souls to hell where they belong
Like a serpent dragon he will consume us
Jaw dislocated at the hinge
Scooping up millions upon millions
And destroying mankind completely
The barren earth will become his egg
A hatchling of monstrous proportions
It will shatter down the middle
To reveal a creature infinitely more appalling
It's claws will rip open heaven
Devastating all that is holy and well
His tail's swipe will disintegrate all the holy people
It's venom will slay all the angels with fire
It's jaws will press gods skull until it begins to crack
It's teeth will smite him out forever
Finishing off everything that ever was
His name is all powerful
His name is Jesus.