Tuesday, March 19, 2019


I am stumbling over the reasons
That I am so confused

I'm finding things out
I'm trying to renew

Once I was that
Now I am not

It does not mean
That I've changed a bit

Damage done
Done looking back

My future is unwritten
What's next?

Sunday, March 17, 2019


Sleep is for the weak
And I am
Night has become a daunting task

Sitting in the darkness
Fretting about the day
Hours ticking by

Eyes peeled open
Brain fully exhausted
Rest in peace isn't here

Tossing, turning, yearning
What beautiful dreams are waiting?
I'll never know

Depleted, defeated
I am tired
Another night wasted, gone

Sleep is for the weak
And I am
But get none
At Night in Shanghai-

I remember the moment I first laid eyes on you
The way you swaggered by
And the tinge of smile as you caught my eye
I thought you were way out of my league

I was so intimidated
And I still am
I fear you like a tiger
The power you behold makes me shy

You hold a power, a presence
That I so very much admire
You are able to play me however you feel
I'll let you walk all over me and my desires

That first day I met you
Plays over and over in my mind
If only I had had more gumption
To say what I feel
Our connection would be more real

I woke up crying
Didn't know where I had been
Or where I was going

I woke up crying
Trembling from the inside out
Reality brings with it anxiety

I woke up crying
Dreams aren't real
I want to sleep forever

I woke up crying
Aching with sorrow
There is no point in trying

I woke up crying
I thought of talking to you
But I couldn't bring myself to it

I woke up crying
I don't know where I am
Or where I am going