Saturday, January 15, 2005

I would prefer the faith of one
Over the faith of the masses
As long as it is true
The Silent War- by: unknown forgotten

The speaker vs the thinker
The thinker vs the dreamer
The dreamer vs the failure
The failure vs nothing
Nothing versus everything
Everything versus the dreamer
The dreamer starts to think
The thinker speaks

No one ever sees how the tongue is bitten
How the jaw clenches until it aches
They only see the breach
And the lack of speach
But not the fear versus the strong brigade
Have I become arbitrary?

Dreamland & Portrait- by: C. Crisci

(i know that the time is right
and I wanted one more day
i know that the time is right
and you were so lost
for all the times I tried to find the reasons why
and I found you instead of this lie
the reasons why I will not forget)
hammers and nails
I've used them for building my face this time tomorrow
when I see you again outside
and inside I can hide my sorrow
found a way I could come back
catch your eye it's just the same as reminding me of what I wanted...
tried my list of excuses
ran outside lost in pain
put it on turn up the music
laugh and laugh about how I was...
"It's what you are my friend
things change you know
don't stand around and wait
take a step
one more step
don't fall down
balance now
there's no denying this is what you are."
I have come
and I am here for you
the sovereign low
the time has come
the serenade begins
here I am
dressed the fool and what I say is wrong
i am not the one you're looking for
the cool one
the fine one
i am just this man
i am just this man
incomplete and unsubstantial
and I am here for you.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Here we are
Free from our past
Free from our future too
Now what do we do?

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Little Rat, Quickly Rat- by: unknown forgotten

Lay low rat
Hide and duck
Don't make a peep
Wait a couple days
And if you're caught run like the wind

Or fight
Jump and dance
Bury yourself in the brush
Tuck through the hole no one else fits
And bite the hand that grabs you

Little rat
We both know you're waiting to be caught
Wanting to eat the poison
Wanting to lay your own traps
Snap your neck under the springs set

Find the others in hiding
Show them there's nothing to fear
Love them, make a family
And damage the standards as you will

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I am the only one that has the power
Save Gods will
And I refuse to destroy myself
You see?
I can make a terrible noise
I can scream into the Heavens
Mine Dreams- by: unknown forgotten

I can't touch the sky
It's so far, so cold

But I can only deliver the truth
That the sky has told

In my dreams
In my nights layed with cold sweats

I awake only in the moment
That shows your face

The nightmares are gone
The trouble is over

You are the character of my dreams
And I wish you never waver

Making the Most Of Thus- by: unknown forgotten

Dear Lord
What a night

In the midst of my destruction you came
You came along and brought light
If you hadn't shown you ethereal presence
Never would I have survived such a night

I stood in a lot of quicksand this eve
I put myself in the death trap that incinerates
I faced my enemies
I faced my friends
I stood before my faults yet held up my legs

Without you my knees would have buckled
You don't understand the strength you withhold
Oh triumph that it itself does not know
I am alive on a night I would never show

Even though you departed early
You gave me strength to shine on
You nearest to me, your face into mine

How does God show his beauty?
He does show it through yours and thine

Monday, January 10, 2005

The Organs Hum and the Highest Key- by: unknown forgotten

I'd like you all to see one day
Such is when no one else is around
Me huddled over those electronic-
what was once ivory, now plastic
-tubeless analog machine that plays notes with ease
My back curved to the shape of a crescent
My head hanging limp at the neck
Watch these eyes as they glaze over profusely until I can't see a thing
But I'm watching my fingers blaze beneath
Not understanding where they're going but watching nonetheless
The amplifier projecting beyond it's means
And piercing not only the air and walls but what lies beneath
And the moment I begin to sing
Screaming and bellowing, striving to stay in key
The madness that pours out from soul
My feet tapping and dancing unable to keep me down
Fighting body and mind to keep everything aligned
To the moment my ears begin to pain and ring
And I'm nearly falling off the bench seat
When my mind is swallowed up in the mass of destruction
The words become unscripted and incomprehensible
The vocals rip my throat to shreds and bleed
The tune may change and become something entirely else
In the fury the song no longer matters
But the emotion put forth would tear your heart
As so it does mine and when i turn off the power
Of that old box that I pound upon
And the tears I never shed are resting upon my eyelids

The old box even hums when it's turned off
And I stand up slow
Wiping my eyes clear again
And walk out clear headed once again
The sound and substance shattering all the stresses I held

My favorite memories are in my dreams
The ones I have been too cowardly to make real
We stand on two opposite edges of the same canyon
We started at the same point and walked around in a different directions
Along our journeys we've been beaten and grown weary
Taken the wrong paths and gotten lost in the thicket
But I can see you across the divide and we're both still moving
I'll meet you when we come back around
It's not that much further
Red, Like Roses- by: The Velvet Teen

each night i close my eyes and wonder what will come of me in days to follow
i lay awake and after countless hours, i just can't think straight
turn in, fade, pass out
yet, in this simple way, we offer
to destroy all we can't figure out
in our simple lives, unconscious
we employ our skills from underground
to seek what we've never seen
to explore, deep inside

the mornings greet me with grey days and tear-stained windowsills and pillowcases
i get dressed and go to work
bloody noses, red like roses pose as sanctuary
when i just need a minute to myself
and in this simple way, we offer
to destroy all we can't figure out
in our simple lives, unconscious
we employ our skills from underground
to seek what we've never seen
to find, where we never knew
to explore deep, inside

kill me, won't you kill me
kill me
let me sleep again
kill me
don't relate your memories
kill me
kill me won't you
to see
what we've never seen to find
where we never knew to go
where we never dared to explore

Sunday, January 09, 2005

I am afraid of you
In the worst of ways
But I endure
For I believe in the greatest of days