Thursday, August 19, 2004

The sun will still rise again
Whether you're ready or not

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Whilst I slumber I am still OKay- by: unknown forgotten

Whilst I slumber I am still OKay
These days ain't so bad as they seem to be
The world turns and shit happens
But yet I slumber well

My mind is clear
My body healthy and strong
My dreams are straight and true
As far as I can tell everything is well

Can you hear me sleeping?
It's like a hurricane or a storm
Though I lay motionless and peaceful
It is a force to be reckoned with

The stereo is on and playing love songs
My heart is big and beats audibly loud
And I dream of all you out there
And it feels as if I never slept a wink

This reality is a dream
And my dreams are reality exposed
I can still only hope
I can only hope

Monday, August 16, 2004

I have a hard time parting with my possesions
Useful or not, it doesn't matter

Sunday, August 15, 2004

We're all preaching lies
And we don't even know

We're all low life scum
When we have no idea what we're doing

We're all out of control
With no basis to set our standards

So we buy motorbikes
And ride through the night

To our hearts content we roll
As fast as we can we weave through the streets

Carving away with every turn,
Some part of our life we wish to forget

It is my will that I burn two stroke
And leave a cloud of blue smoke