Saturday, August 28, 2004

Premonition- by: unknown forgotten

She walked through the blue fields
The sun set easily
The moon hung low
Though the sky was still blue
The earth rumbled mildly
The trees began to quake
The birds all fluttered wildy
As the world imploded

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

These cold days create the perception of loneliness.
Who would believe it
But I'm big on romance
A soft delicate touch
The glimmer of an eye
The warmth of two as one
A delicate kiss
All these I miss
The world surrounds me with romance
But none of it I possess
Never drink last nights water.
It is tainted with the sorrows of yesterday.
It is the poison of the past.
It yields the blood off your unholy lips,
which carry the destruction of life.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Everything is decent
And yet I crumble

I've got that feeling
Like I forgot something somewhere
Something important
Something from my soul
I was bitten
It was either the devil
Or a lovebug
Now listen carfully darling
There is a reason I have come
And it is for nothing else but you
You're the reason I'm standing here
Holding you so close so dear
No in between shall divide
No other can compare
There is one reason I am here
And it is for nothing else but you
Lifecycle- by: unknown forgotten

I like to hit walls
Every now and then
Wouldn't say I like it
But I hit them none the less

I like to use up all my reserve
And have no one to fall back to
Wouldn't say I like it
But it happens none the less

I like to breakdown
Late at night and all alone
And realize though I can fix this
I don't have the means to

I like to dream about the future
Of what I can do next to improve
But I never get there
I've a hard enough time keeping going as it is