Saturday, December 11, 2004

There's no time
And that's what proves me wrong
Because I can't face you now
Forgive me if I try anyway

Thursday, December 09, 2004

I say
I say across the great divide
Is a union so strong that the canyons walk to each other
That the gravity is so strong mighty eagles soaring fall to the ground
That rivers flow upwards and the air is sweet
The mountians flatten themselves to make up the mass
To create what was always meant to be
To close the gap between
To close the great divide for once and for all
To seal the earth whole again

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

And then I went to sleep.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The world within I live
The world within I work
The world within I love
The world within I write
The world within I die

I Don't Remember (Considering Forgetting)- by: unknown forgotten

So I was thinking of forgetting
And it's probably a good idea
if I went ahead and did that
and stopped thinking
and started forgetting

The Tale of the Bypassed Hero- by: unknown forgotten

I will not draw an end to this chapter
Though my mind so often tells me to
I can fight the dragons that call themselves human
I can see you're a damsel lost in the night
I don't know what character I play yet
Sometimes I feel I am not really any part
but I will refuse that belief for the time being
I can be more than that
I am the hero, anti-hero so it shall be
That will slay the dragons in the end
Somehow I will rise to the moment
And walk righteously and loved the rest of my life
The Same Fucking Thing- by: unknown forgotten

Where is love?
Where is it's stance?
What is it's chance?
Where are it's hooks and strings?
Where is love?
Where is the arrow through the heart?
Is that good or it is only hurt?
How does it show its face?
How does is show humility and disgrace?
Where is love?
Why does it haunt us so?
Why does it linger overhead?
Why does it often never show?
Where is love?
What is it's plan?
How long will it last?
How long will it enchant?
Where is love?
You Ask Me - by: unknown forgotten

I reach that point where I become so abstract and non-informative
That nobody gets the jist of what I'm saying
Huzzah to that, don't get me wrong
You're confused and I've brought that onslaught
I am then thoroughly pleased if it is appropriate according to me
But this conflicts with what I'm really trying to say when it need be so
Which I should never really say for reasons that it has always backfired
Always, thus leading me into further silence and distorted interpretations
Altering the appearance to lead your mind conveniently astray
Unless there is a solid concensus and preapprovement on what should be said
without me giving the notion that that is what I would like to say,
but only with whom I'm interacting with on a one to one basis,
I will hold virtually silent reagarding any discussion that requires me express my mind and heart
In social cased I end up being the odd man out in the circle of several people
Thrown aside by my lack of words, and/or my lacksadaisical innuendos that are no more than common speach amongst people, that for no reason should be taken for more than it is, yet I expect it to be interpreted as an exceptional notion of exaggerated, yet heartfelt truth
Thus leaving me disenchanted, disassociated, and once again, not wanting to say what I have to say

Monday, December 06, 2004

I will be alive again, someday...

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Serpents at Night- by: unknown forgotten

I had a dream I was bitten by two snakes
They were hanging from a tree as I walked outside a house
One bit my left hand
I shook it off, grabbed it by its neck and threw it a away
The second bit my right hand
Between the thumb and forefinger
I let it inject inject its vile poison
I watched as it pumped venom into my skin
I could the feel the poison working
Swelling up my arm and my veins
Finally it let go after half a minute
And I grabbed it by the neck
Let go and ran as it tried to bite me again
Just out of reach it hissed a vile noise
And I felt weary
I was dying

I think I've met both snakes
They're killing me right now
Always in the back of my mind
And although I've never been bitten
You've been killed twice already

And you were there
In a flashback within my dream
As I was explaining hurriedly to someone of what just happened
I collapsed to the ground
And in the vision I saw you
We were hugging our arms wrapped around
The people just stood by as my life fled

Today is the day I rise to fame
And lay waste to all ye motherfuckers on the earth
I'm a hero in my own regards
After today there will be no more scum
I will lay waste to the evil and wrongdoers
Today I will rise to fame
I'm breaking under my ignorance
I tell myself all I need is time
Well time has come and gone
And after all that, what do we have to say to ourselves?
Let's get light years away from all things that people say
My tongue is tied too tight
If I ever learned to converse I could learn something