Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Sum=2- by: unknown forgotten

She is the ghost +1
She is the ghost +1
Walking around somewhere semi-lonesome downtown
Where she goes there is always +1
I remember the time when there was none
Now she is the ghost +1
She is never alone +1
Unlike the good old days where it was just fun
Now she is bound to herself +1
Reorganized- by: unknown forgotten

A corner in the room has moved
I met new foreign friends
Whom I've always known
And heard from a ghost
Who has a hold on my life
It told me who I was
Spoke of that past and current world
I saw the city lights and they were still the same
I watched the orange moon burn the sky
Just like it always does
But the walls have moved in my room
And these are good new friends
I'll let you know more of the ghost
When it tells me of my future
And what role it will play

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

A Something Forever- by: unknown forgotten

Sans pen and paper
What else do I have forever to keep?
Words and type is where I'm at
I may love you, hold you
But in time I'll leave you
Or you'll leave me
Though it may be through death
But words will never cease
Sans love and fulfilling life
Script will have to suffice
Keys- by: unknown forgotten

This is an unnofficial union
Which holds strong to nothing
With electric heartbeats
And computerized drum beats
She didn't know the difference
Anyone can make a record
Anyone can play the harp
-if they try hard enough

And the chosen will pull halo's out from their pockets
Grow wings from their asses and invisibly stalk us
What I thought was a guitar was synthetic
What they used to say was prophetic
10 fingers can play 10 keys
No more no less consecutively
And that's why my fingers bleed
Not from tension, not from speed
But from passion and 66 and 88 keys.
The second hand can't change
But the first hand destroy's my dreams

To see from two eyes shatters hopes
But from my third eye I've always known

I hardly took a step
Yet alone get my foot in the door
Since Then- by: unknown forgotten

Of course I'm melting inside
Life sustaining organs turned to mush
Pumping infection and puss
My bones are brittle and soft
My rotten skin is peeling off
And I'm rude and coarse
My mind is moslty clear though I'm falling apart
But that's not why you hate me

Of course you're healthy and strong
Well versed with a stable mind
your hair is long and your sight is keen
You could race any race and always get first
Your kind as Jesus and handsome too
But that's not why I hate you
Tearing- by: unknown forgotten

Tearing torture
Like rusted sunken ship walls
A pile of nails and razors
To go to sleep on

These shoes ain't made for walking on fire
These hands ain't made for suicide

There's something I don't know
Something in between
Something nobody's ever told me
But god damn it's tearing me bits

Friday, July 09, 2004

I am not in high demand around these parts.
Pen and paper
Meditation and relaxation
Lies and truth
Between the two there is few
Whisky Girl- by: unknown forgotten

I need a girl
With a godly heart
And the devil's kick
With a heavenly smile
And develish looks
I need a girl who's the opposite of me
One that will stick around
Maybe teach me a few things
Like how to give a damn
I need a girl who will fuck like a hooker
And love like a wife
A girl who will take the bottle from my hand
And show me truth
Then take a swig
And hold me tight
Boom City- by: unknown forgotten

I got lost in your eyes
They drew me in like quicksand
I saw no color only life and love
And all the little things that I miss

Like fireworks in the sky
And you seemed that far away
I got lost in your eyes
But you were somewhere else
The Story- by: unknown forgotten

Try and stop me now
I've reached a point
where I no longer care about you
Though it's not true
But time after night
Leaves me wondering, dreaming
If it will ever be true
So here I am
An isolate man
Wrtiting my own book
On how things should be done
I'm tearing through life
Creating it the only way I know
I'm sitting here writing my story without you
But if you ever feel so inclined
I've left blanks to insert your name here and there
And if you ever feel so inclined
I would rewrite the whole story about you

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Rightfully so.