Saturday, January 21, 2006

Scream at the Top of Your Lungs- by: unknown forgotten

Ready, set, ready, 1, 2, ready, ignore.

How futile is this day?
How toxic is the basin from which we drink?
To taste, to feel, to endure the days with thrill
Have the enthusiasm of the wonder ones

What is life without love?
But a worthless attempt to fulfill your own needs
Selfish, on the top shelf, never to get rid of
Or the burden of cement shoes destroying,
Obliterating every eccense of what makes you you

What is loneliness?
An attempt to degrade oneself
Hold someone's hand and feel better...
Remember what it is to count heartbeats that aren't your own
And that aren't of some poor dying soul
Deprived flesh and bones

Monday, January 16, 2006

Whilst I Am Awake I Am Still OKay- by: unknown forgotten

Whilst I Am Awake I Am Still OKay
These days ain't so bad as they seem to be
The world turns and shit evaporates
And I awaken well

My mind is clear
My body healthy and strong
My dreams are straight and true
As far as I can tell everything is well

Can you hear me sleeping?
Nay say you, for I awake before the storm
Though I lay motionless and peaceful
It is a force to be reckoned with

The stereo is on and playing love songs
My heart is big and beats audibly loud
And I dream of only you out there
And it feels as if I never slept a wink

This reality is not a dream,
I am awake!
And my dreams are reality exposed
I can still only hope
But what is hope?
I know the truth!

[The anger
The despair
The confusion

The fear
The total loss
The disarray

The silence
The bewilderment

The evil
It is gone............................ ]
A Little Something- by: unknown forgotten

Galvanized in gold
I know it doesn't work out
But that's how it went down

Your face was smothered in melted metal
Burning flesh and forming over your bones
Replaced with a shiny statue, lifeless
But not cold, your image was not cold

A brazen image of your beauty
Deeply stabbed into my mind-
I was but of an image of murder
Out right violence,
Yet beauty I describe

The rain trickled down your face
Reflected like a mirror ball
So innocent, so out of place
Shining down warmth to everywhere else

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Exclamation mark + ! -by: unknown forgotten

So I left my glasses on the edge of the horizon I don't use anymore
Which leaves me drunken and confused beyond entertainment far beyonfd the capacity of this mess
I Prescribe myself real rest
And hope and dream for the best,