Wednesday, March 31, 2004



1. What is the difference between ocean currents and wave? What about tide and waves?



I dreamed Chana sent me a video email of
her and her other Land- which a bunch
of kids she taught at some school she
taught at. They play a "Jet" song.
-Found Poetry-

Mexico City-
...and when I'm sitting on
your pouch, out waiting here,
am I a man?
-Found Poetry-

Pack... moving
Cause bound to drift
gone, gone don't have to
Guess I've that
old to... bone
Cause the feelia

Monday, March 29, 2004

Saints- by: unknown forgotten

I bit the bullet
And it broke my teeth and came out the back of my neck
I caught the arrow in my hand
Or so I tried
It kept going and sliced two fingers off my right hand

You were a saint
You used to be
So was I
Back in the monestary in our vow of silence
I could levitate and turn water into wine
You could heal the wounded with your spit and slight of hand

Now we're desperate men
Changed hearts and confused minds
So I tried one last attempt
To prove my worthiness in life

I bit the bullet
It didn't turn out so well
I caught the arrow
Now I'll be handicapped for the rest of my life

I meditated in a field of lilacs
I levitated once again
I rose high above the ground
Higher even yet into the sky
A large gust of wind came from the heavens
And blew me off the horizon like a speck of dust

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Visions More- by: unknown forgotten

I watched the sun set behind your eyes
As I stared out the shattered glass of this horrible car wreck
The sky burned black with disease
And your scent was in the wind
I could only tell I was alive by my slowing heartbeat

The seasons changed and the children froze in the streets
Their soft supple faces cold hard and deceased
Sickening like the taste of sour milk
Or the shock of paralyzation setting in

She told him it was only for fun
We reveled in the humor of the worlds hate
I closed my mind as if I was feverish
And laughed with him that day

It was the taste of blood
It's so similar to the taste of metal
His blood was on the floor, on my hands
But never forget, it was in her mouth
On her tongue that I kissed

The stove was hot
The food was burning
No one was home
They were all out fucking
Fucking up lives with complications
Questions they have no right to ask
The mob held their heads under boiling water
And they never spoke again

We woke up one morning together
And realized this life only leads to our end
A man once said he had all the answers
The last time I saw him he was home alone
Dangling with a rope around his neck

The dog bit the child's hand
And ran in front of a car

The hot water quit working
Civilization is only a crutch on which we lean

I listened harder
It was the sound you hear before you die
Very soon it was all I could hear

It was too late to stop them
They escaped with everything I'd ever need

Previous Visions

Honey, Watch Your Ass- by: Songs:Ohia

Smoke tastes like grey lead
It's killing her head
She finally let him have it
Here practice yelling at yourself instead

She nearly burned the town again
With the look that she gave him
She covers her heart with her hands
And says a little useless praying never hurts anything

It's like nothings got a pulse
in this whole damn place
Right down to the clocks
nothings got a pulse

Remember darling how quiet it got
Leave her alone, let her go home
Leave her alone, let her go
So she don't have to see you
How pathetic you can be
So she don't hate herself to death
Know what I mean?

That must be her up there
Perfumes and cigarette smoke in her wild hair
She smells a little like a train
Hauling lilacs through the rain
I can't tell that she's crying
I pretend again
She sees those total destruction eyes
She goes running to them

I'm finally showing her the switch
how I learned hold it in my teeth
How she's got to keep one razor sharp bloody piece
Of her old broken heart
How she's got to use that edge to carve
Across her new heart
Something deep enough to hurt
So it always reminds her
Deep enough to last
Darling, honey, watch you ass

Thursday, March 25, 2004

You see, I can make a terrible noise
I can scream from the roof tops
Survival- by: unknown forgotten

Bread and water
It's all I've got
It's all I need
It's all I've got
Bread and water

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

What makes me happy?
I can't remember.
I feel as if I no longer thrive.
Life is work, sleep and death
Everything else is optional
Fun is fun- by: unknown forgotten

This is a fun life
Way better than the last I bet
All this daily torture is fun
Crummy job, no money is fun
No self-esteem is fun
Being unhealthy is fun
Life is fun, enjoyable
Too much free time is fun
A corrupted, unstable mind is fun
Alcohol is fun, drowning sorrows
We are the fun
It's fun
Music is fun
Love is fun
They way they tear your soul is fun
I like fun. Liking fun is fun
This life is fun
That's what they tell me
They tell me life is fun
Being told life is fun when it isn't fun isn't fun
Pretending your life is fun isn't fun when it isn't fun

Saturday, March 20, 2004

They Told Me Unintentionally- by: unknown forgotten

Would it be wrong if I said I missed you?
Could it be wrong if I said I loved you?
We could hold hands
We could be one and know the way to the future
We could love each other and hold the world
We could be naked now and innocent
Everything and nothing is intentional
Would it be wrong if I kissed you?

Silence left me alone
Silence, I wish we could be alone

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Fake Book- by: unknown forgotten

Help me fake my death
So I can fake my ressurection
So you can fake your redemption
So I can fake rebuking you
So we can fake the end of the world
And laugh at everyone who believed us
I'm not a hideous thief.
I'm a beautiful burglar.
Vase- by: unknown forgotten

I can't shake this weary tired mind
All I want to do is sleep sleep sleep
This feels like some sort of down point
Some sort of sedating disease
I"m tired, oh so tired
But still I can't shake my mind's thoughts of thee
I dream of your face all through the night
I ponder of your thoughts whenever I have time
Your life is but a flower, you once brought to me
Though time passes, and life falls apart
I still love the stem, and wilted pedals off
The eternal beauty I can not shake, from my blooming heart
Is but your beautiful soul that from I wish I could never part
I am the passive.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

You gonna tell me?
I'm out of it
I'm not sure what's going on
The Inevitable Times Inevitably Again- by: unknown forgotten

It's that time again
When things are going to keep getting worse
I can feel it coming
I can sense it in the still night air
Something is going to go really wrong really soon

It's like today and the way it felt
The wind isn't blowing
And it all seems like a dream
Too much free time is over rated

It's been way too long since I've fallen
My life runs in cycles of joy and sorrow
It's been too long
I can feel something coming
I hope the sun explodes

Saturday, March 13, 2004

My bones are cold
And my joints are cracking
My mind is distilled
And sleep is calling
I wish I could stop it
If I could I would destroy my world

Friday, March 12, 2004

This is My World- by: unknown forgotten

This is my world
I own all the land
Everything you have
Your house, your dog
They are mine

That is my food your eating
That is my chair you are on
That is my car you drive
That is my money you make

This is my world
I own every damn thing
Don't you think I will let you get carried away
And don't think you can talk back
I own the ground you stand on
I own the mountains and the air

I own the lungs you breathe
I own the eyes from which you see
I own your heart and skin
I own your emotions and thoughts
Everything you are belongs to me

I man am the richest god there ever was
And lucky for you I have nothing better to do
So I decided to share it all with you
For entertainment I watch you weasels all fight and quarrel
Every last man fighting for money and power

I own your spirit and your mind
I own the sight which helps you see
I own the smells you inhale
I own the pain in your knee
And if you think I'll never sell your soul
You didn't hear it from me

I own the world
I own the infinite space and beyond
I can do whatever I want whenever I want
I own the world
And that world is my ashtray
You should be happy child
That I ever let you run free

Friday, March 05, 2004

Rock Can't Last Forever- by: Rob Withem

So I heard you got a punk band
What's so punk about that?
And so I heard that you got lots of songs
Well friend, nobody cares about that
And everybody needs to learn to get over it
And everbody needs to learn
Rock can't last forever
It's just a fad
Don't ever try and make it your life
I listened to the tapes you gave me
And I honestly tried not to laugh
And now you say that I'm a meanie
Tell me, what's so mean about that?

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Such unfulfilling lives we lead.
Will you try and help me live?

I go crazy without love.
Don't Catch on Fire- by: unknown forgotten

I'll try hard not to catch on fire
I'll keep the flames away from my head, my mind
I'll try and keep the heat down
Dousing it with the cold air at night

I'm trying hard not to catch on fire
I don't think it would be good
My body would burn away
And I'd never see you again

I'll try not to catch on fire
But the fire and smoke is hot
Thank you for warning me
Otherwise right now, I'd be just cinders and ash

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Blood and Tears- by: Glenn Danzig

Blood and tears
Blood and tears
Since you`ve been gone
I hear you`ve been crying
Blood and tears

All alone
In your misery
So alone
Could you have
Been deceived
Since I`ve been gone
I hear you been crying

You cry a thousand tears
Darling don`t despair
I know your heart still bleeds
Darling don`t you care
There`s blood in your tears

All alone
In your misery
All alone
You are lost
Since you`ve been gone
I hear you been crying
I would agree, but that's not one of the choices.
I'm blind.
Been blind.
I just figured out how to open my eyes.

Monday, March 01, 2004

I've got such an interesting scar here.
How do I get rid of it?
Where do I go from here?
Nothing now
You though
Linger in my mind
It's strange
You're on my mind