Friday, March 12, 2004

This is My World- by: unknown forgotten

This is my world
I own all the land
Everything you have
Your house, your dog
They are mine

That is my food your eating
That is my chair you are on
That is my car you drive
That is my money you make

This is my world
I own every damn thing
Don't you think I will let you get carried away
And don't think you can talk back
I own the ground you stand on
I own the mountains and the air

I own the lungs you breathe
I own the eyes from which you see
I own your heart and skin
I own your emotions and thoughts
Everything you are belongs to me

I man am the richest god there ever was
And lucky for you I have nothing better to do
So I decided to share it all with you
For entertainment I watch you weasels all fight and quarrel
Every last man fighting for money and power

I own your spirit and your mind
I own the sight which helps you see
I own the smells you inhale
I own the pain in your knee
And if you think I'll never sell your soul
You didn't hear it from me

I own the world
I own the infinite space and beyond
I can do whatever I want whenever I want
I own the world
And that world is my ashtray
You should be happy child
That I ever let you run free


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