Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I'd like to say things are worse then they are
Thankfully they are not
My naivete is my only guide
What else do I have?
Look away- by: unknown forgotten

Unextraordinarily extraordinaire
There is nothing here more than the ordinary
This is not a place for the great moments of life
This is the day to day relapse of moments
Unextraordinary moments that are artifiicial
Look away, don't believe there is hope
Everything is inevitable
All that I've said before
I'm trying to avoid it all
Look away, don't trick yourself
If you don't you'll be disappointed in the end
Everything is inevitable
There is no reason to avoid it
But don't suck yourself in
It's Never Been So Loud- by: unknown forgotten

I never realized the music was so loud
Here in the warmth I lay down and go to bed
The lights can be bright or dim as night
Outside the rain is falling so cold

But in this place I am at peace at least
Until I realize the music is so loud
When there's someone else here
There's no reason for the noise to blare

Say, to keep me company I crank the volume
Perhaps, to lull my mind away
My heart hasn't skipped a beat in these lonely weeks
No palpitations, no flutters, no breaks

I could talk forever
And the music is so loud
I could never talk at all
And the music keeps me calm
You make me pleasantly uncomfortable and I like that
You make me pleasantly uncomfortable and I don't like that

Monday, November 29, 2004

Vagueness- by: unknown forgotten

When it's pitch black
I can't see the smoke
And after awhile
My eyes adjust to the night
And I still can't see the smoke


You are the ex-confidante turned acquaintance
Like shrapnel you came from nowhere
And sliced me to bits
You snuck up and took my legs
And lodged metal in my heart
I swear that here in this bunker
With my last bit of strength
I will put a bullet between your eyes

You were a chauffeur
A delivery messenger
You delivered the goods
And in turn ended up empty handed
Forced to walk home
And watch the turmoil to come

You were the all seeing eyes of god
Who could foresee it all before me
You asked me 'why not?'
I was ignorant in the moment
I moved too late
I lost the reward before it was apparent to me
Your trouble is all you do is shudder
You are no help when help is needed

You were the silent voice
That never spoke a word
Yet you spoke everything when no one was looking
And I have never met you face to face
The questions you supply are answers in themselves
You were always there but never seen
And incredibly hard to ignore in your absence

You were the child
You stood on the roof late at night
Watching the neighbors come home
Betraying your bed time and conscious
Defying your parents whose conviction was strong
You tasted life and sucked on it
Yet you came around eventually
After you saw your friends taste life and snort it
And that's why you ran

You were the early stages of life about to end
Your words were nonsensical
You were about to develop into something magical
But infiltrater's smothered you in your sleep
Put a plastic bag over your head
And watched you asphyxiate
At that point you were irrelevant

You were in the middle of it all
You knew nothing more than I did
Yet you were the problem all along
You were preyed upon and left for nothing
Just a broken soul and a new look at life that was less than before
I didn't see you for quite some time
Now you're back and figuring it out

You were always gone and never around
We'd pass in passing and talk about nothing
You saw life differently and wasted not a moment
You're still so afraid to stop moving that you are dyeing
A slave to the world and you get nothing back
Just a moment of depression every now and then
And a napsack

You're the one who tricked me one night
but now you're gone and that's alright
You were the devil in disguise

Sometimes I forget who I am.
If you look hard enough there's a nice guy inside.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

(infinity):1- by:unknown forgotten

There are so many people in the world
I've seen them
I hardly know any of them
They are everwhere all the time
You are one of them
There are so many people
I believe in a sort of destiny that brings us together
I've stood in the middle of the masses and looked around
You're the one I saw
The inevitable as the basis of everything
Life can be good or bad
As of late I have been extremely calm
My dreams have been guiding, distracting my fear
The life of mine has been eased into surreal
Not to say I don't worry
I worry of how to handle good things to come
Anglewise- by: unknown forgotten

Anglewise in the street tonight
Grinding flesh against man made mother nature
The world is hardened with a black top
and we fall upon it

Anglewise in my sleep tonight
Laying under the sun
On a sandy beach around dawn
You're wrapped under my arm

Anglewise in my linguistics
Sorry I stutter and choke
Hoping to speak with you
Walking away so cowardly afraid

Anglewise I reach to embrace you
The motion is unspecific and I retreat
Slipping sideways I back away
And anglewise I fret the worst

Saturday, November 27, 2004

But what do I know?
A Fox And A Wolf- by: unknown forgotten

I'm sorry I didn't see you
I'm sorry I missed you today

Tomorrow and the morrow will always will a way
I feel the lack of life that I have survived

Do not despair for the distant
Only time will tell the fortune
Of the world spinning unbeknownst to man

There's a phantom on my shoulder
He's kept me straight until the dawn
And you praying from a distance
From your own home
Where I wish I was visiting instead

Next time I see your heart
Next time you grant me that chance
I will blossom it
I will try my best at least

As my dreams tell me
It won't be enough
As my dreams tell me though
I will be killed by a fox and a wolf

Friday, November 26, 2004

I had a dream it all came together
Something was happening
Waiting for what I don't believe in
Lioness- by: unknown forgotten

Your claws hit me at such high intensity
That I plunged backwards through the ground
The earth moved away as I sank through the dirt
And the grave we created held me still for sometime
The scars of your claws rest upon my brow and cheek
The wounds wept water for hours until the blood clogged the pores
At that point I was dead

You had looked down at the horror you just made
And though I couldn't see out of my swollen eyes
Or up from the deep dark hole in which I lied
I think you were crying and calling my name
I asked you to lay with me as I was fading away
And you did and held my broken head
You kissed me several times and we embraced
Then god pulled you out from down in my resting place
And sealed up the dirt by making it all cave in
At that point I was dead
But I felt no pain
You made a cross and put it upon my grave
And on my lifeless lips rested my last word which was your name

Thursday, November 25, 2004

You are the reason I hate me
I am the reason I hate you
Against your best wishes
I wish you bad luck

I would rather not live in the arbitrary and benign

Everything is fine- by: unknown forgotten

You and me whenever you see fit
Everything is fine

You and me have never really talked
Everything is fine

I'm terrible at all of this
Everything is fine

You and me whenever we go wrong
Everything is fine

You and me in different rooms
Everything is fine

Got to sleep early and live to regret
Everything is fine

You and me and I don't know what to do
Everything is fine

Everything is fine
And I feel great all the time

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

You and me whenever you see fit.
And when I finally reveal to you
You won't believe me
Because simply saying so makes no sense

More or less
I know the score
Is this all fake sparkle
Or golden dust?

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I am not invincible
Far from it
Weeping Scalp- by: unknown forgotten

There's a spot on my head that leaks puss
It's a giant blister not visible
That weeps all day and night
It's totally brutal
It's forshadowing of something
Or maybe a clue
It's got some really deep meaning
It's important like the meaning of life
But I don't know
The rest is up to you

Monday, November 22, 2004

Break My Back- by: unknown forgotten

I'm holding back
And I must contest
I'm afraid of you and what would come next
You don't know me right now
You might think that I am a man
That is wanting to drown

But trust me you are wrong
If only I wasn't holding back
If I wasn't a man afraid
I could move forward on and on
And on
And move on
If I only had the courage
Unnerved- by: unknown forgotten

I just want to talk to you
I don't even want to talk to you
I want to stare into your eyes for hours
G'nite- by: unknown forgotten

I moved my bed for feng shui
Now I sleep in a cozy hole
3 walls hold me tight
The empty spaces releases my mind
The sterophonics guide me in to the slumber world
A weight of blankets keep me warm through the winter
The darkness reminds me I'm alone
I lie tighlty against the cold wall
There's something missing still
I've got my down times
I don't have my up times

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Lay here with me
Fall asleep
And we will be
I remember when I was a big black liar.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Overdue confetti
Nomenclature- by: unknown forgotten

You know the name I call
It's always been yours
I haven't lost it's meaning
In fact I wrote a song about it

You know I've called your name
It's always been yours
I never forgot the pronunciation
In fact I learned it before anyone

Friday, November 19, 2004

Between the lines?
Look between the lines,
there's nothing there, dipshit.
It's just a blank space.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Too bad real life doesn't have a default. Because you and I, we'd be it.
Oh shit
It's Vomitron!
look at that
He's vomiting
oh man
I just cleaned that carpet
oh shit
It's Vomitron!
That really smells bad

Then there was a new tide that rolled upon the Puget Sound. It brought fresh water and a new sweeter scent than before. And after how much we loved the old tides, how we could rely on the subtle crashing waves, the new one shall wash many new adventures upon the shore. And open up new worlds for us to explore.
"...scrutiny of some sort.
I am an asshole."

Your time away- by: unknown forgotten

I didn't see your face amongst the crowd
And in my moment of joy
I frowned
What is it that draws me to you
What was it that caused me to distance before
Before I even knew
Before I initially lost you
I remember now
Twas a fellow fellow
And creates the awkward feelings
I'd like to know you more
but circumstances made it more difficult
More than I know how to cope
I'm so sorry you went away and in the end
in the end made yourself sad
I didn't intervene like I should have in the beginning
I'm sorry I failed
But what is this but nothing more than a lingering dream,
lost in the retrospective?
Dear darling,
even I would reconcile and wash clean
Even I would drop everything for you
Lesson #1- by: unknown forgotten

Told the right hand to the face
This ain't a bottle a bourbon
It's a bottle of life

Told the left hand to the stomach
This ain't a fiction
This is the truth

Told the bloody face to the fists
This ain't a struggle but against yourself
It's a massacre no matter how you see it

Told the bludgeoning to the recipient
This ain't an onslaught it's a lesson
This is the truth
You(')r(e) God (?)- by: unknown forgotten

No you're wrong
I don't hate the gods
I hate your god
Even worse I hate you
Between the things you say and the actions you do
With the way you say it in the manner you do
I don't hate your god I hate you
Your god could smite me down
Depending on how much you actually believe
But as I said
I don't hate the gods I hate you
Deap Inside- by: unknown forgotten

Kill me
Kill me and worship
Worship me
Kill me
Let me sleep tonight
Let me roll under the dirt and be a hero
Let me sleep again
Kill me and worship me
To see what we've never seen
To explore
What we've never known to explore
What we've never thought to explore
Deap deap inside

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

7665 days or
183960 hours or
11037600 seconds
and counting

Monday, November 15, 2004

As much as I enjoy surviving in my own universe and reality, independent of the fast paced moving society and world surrounding me, I do request the company of others occasionally. And for the record, I don't really enjoy this unwarranted seclusion.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Forcing the introspective on the retrospective- by: unknown forgotten

I drank last night's water.

I gulped it down.

I sipped the remembrance of a time I wish I tried not to forget.

In the morning

After the poison has worked its course

We shall see where it leaves me

We will see where I am at

Friday, November 12, 2004

The time is drawing ever near where I may ask that you do not leave me alone, on that certain and pertaining frost-bitten eve. Where the trees cry mercy from the freezing moisture that drips down low and freezes the sidewalks with ease. The air is unholy and aching to the bones and marrow. The sun is forgotten and the night is oh so long. The holidays attempt to warm our cold souls. But nothing no nothing can stop me from feeling forgotten and unknown.
The duely interpretive manifestation of the lyrics of life; Unextraordinaire- by: unknown forgotten

These words are deceitful
I am not about the extraordinary moments
I am not full of poems and rhyme
My speech hardly ever contains any deep thoughts
I am not a romanticist in real life
Of course these things cross my mind
Of course I try to be and try to say what I really mean

But no one I have ever met is really the manifestation of the lyrics of life
Our hearts dream, our minds wander
They do not transfer from day to day struggles
I wish I could, I wish I could speak
My my lips tremble and lisp and my mind shatters
Every time I look in the mirror I have forgotten my face
Every time I listen to my voice it sounds like a stranger speaking

I could sit alone and write a beautiful poem
but what is the use when I can't recite it aloud
The moment these words are written I have forgotten it all
To say I am solely artful is a lie
Though most is a voice speaking from someone else
But what I fear most is that these words and writings
Will never be capable of affecting someone directly
And instead influencing the lives of people I've never met
So it shall be and that also brings me great hope
But to the lonely hearts to which I can never speak
Embrace my mind and help me control my mind and tongue and speach

The Untimely Demise of Creation- by: unknown forgotten

Wind fire water death destruction
The tides are changing
Washing away homes
Flooding buildings on the inland

Snakes are slithering down the streets
Biting the ankles of the children
Squeezing their life right out

Rabid dogs running rampant
Tearing open throats and snapping off fingers
Dragging bodies out of town

Vultures circling constantly
Forming massive brooding clouds
Pecking out the eyeballs of people who aren't even dead yet

Natural disasters crumbling buildings
Sucking up the earth in violent quakes
Oozing molten lava to consume all in its path

Wind fire water death destruction
The sun is coming up too early
Blazing and painfully hot
Blistering and scorching this wasted planet
It's time to go- by: unknown forgotten

I've taken a rest
I've taken a break
I've had my down time
Now I'm ready to react
It's you

Give me your hand darling
We're going out
We're leaving right now
I'm gonna take you to places you've never seen
Show you a world beautiful and clean
Marvelous wonders that will make you cry
Delicious delicacies for you to indulge
Fields of flowers so tender so quiet with scents that glow for miles
Roaring red sunsets that rip right through the purple sky
Over slowly crashing waves of the calm blue ocean deep
Give me your hand darling
It's time to go
I've got so many things to show you
Let me take you away
To a place where passion is sweet
and love only grows

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

My heart is about to explode
Tonight I will dream
And learn from all my unconcious has to tell me
I hope to meet you there on this cold eve

Monday, November 08, 2004

Everything I envision though these eyes is an allusion.
I wish that the night would rattle on
Never ending even until dawn
I'm ready for a struggle to push through the dark
To keep on keepin' on
Until the the sun pulls over the horizon

Sunday, November 07, 2004

I can't keep track of time very well lately
Days, minutes, months, hours
It's all the same

Saturday, November 06, 2004

It comes as such a shock to find myself down and out when I tried so hard.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Awakening- by: unknown forgotten

He awoke early
Before he would normally bludgeon his alarm
The sky was light and showed through the window
He sat up and thought:
"Remember, I am the one who made this mess."
He cast off the covers to the floor
And he spoke aloud:
"I am not afraid."
I am silent
Here and now
I have nothing to say

I have deep thoughts
And mental images
I have visions and dreams of the future

But right here
At this moment
I am silenced

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Today was Wednesday all day long.

Monday, November 01, 2004

You see?
I can make a terrible sound
I can scream until my throat bleeds
Fate in the Ocean- by: unknown forgotten

Fate in the ocean
There's nothing that I rely on

Fate in the ocean
The ebb and tide
Who am I

The crimson tides
And the long sleak roads
The crashing waves
You can fight them
But you won't die

The moon told me to shut the fuck up
The sun told me to be louder
The wind told to move faster
The ocean told me I was OK

The moon was tired of hearing my troubles
The sun wanted me to shout in joy
The wind wanted me to move or be moved
The ocean wanted me to relax and enjoy

Fate in the ocean
You and I
Salt and sand