Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Sundancer, The Destruction of RA!- by: unknown forgotten

Quite often I wish I was always alone
To bide my time in the middle of the night
The sincerity in seclusion is rewarding

I lay on the gasoline soaked floor
It wicks into my clothes and I gag from the fumes
Oh, take me now oh lord

The knife cuts my finger open wide without my consent
The deepest red blood weeps slowly, then painstakingly
I squeal and nearly cry as it rains down on down on down

Dear christ, help me now
I've tasted the oil, it's on my lips
I've altered every point in my life to make it not spark

but "NAY!" you say
And instead you make every point burst to life
I cry out in distraught in the middle of the mess

"Stop the horror! Let my heart rev high!?" I scream in distress
Of course it will not pulse consistently
My brain cut off from the nerve center it so utterly requires

I run down the street at full speed weeping
The rain soaks my bare skin to a slough
"I will not give up! I will not!" my flooded soul determines

Slipping on a drain-hole I lose my grip
My jaw hits the ground first
What a dream as my life blazes before me

I predicted this moment many yonder days
"But you were mine, and I was yours!
Now, at this moment, we are neither!" I cry

In the darkest of all nights
My head is spilt upon the ground
Brains spinning, splattered, sliding down the hill

"Here I come, Lord. I am yours."
My body slides short of fifteen feet
And stops a brutally mangled mess

My story ends as the problem has not been solved
So many issues to be addressed that take so much time
Once I make an order for mercy
It will take a couple of weeks to arrive


Anonymous Anonymous said...

brilliant play on words.


8:41 AM  

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